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dfuns 2021-08-06 233739.173.heic

Brother Jax is a man who can howl like an angel and likes to bop around the globe. He grew up in the promised land of Cincinnati, Ohio. Over a number of exploratory years there, Jax was able to wrangle & refine his performing prowess in different bands while releasing several EPs and a full-length album.


Since 2016, Jax has been cultivating fruit & nut trees and designing landscapes throughout Central America and the Eastern seaboard of the U S and A. All the while he has been quietly amassing a huge amount of new & expansive musical material, while performing impromptu gigs in cities far and wide under one-off aeliuses (Fang Daisy, Prozac Clam, Japanese Worm Love, etc). 


With the release of the “Mazunte // mouth to the wind” EP in Spring of 2021, the Brother Jax solo project has truly come into its own and found its legs. The songs are honest, short compositions dense with emotional depth. It is the sort of “folk-soul music with heart” that lies at the center of Jax’s eclectic musical cannon. 



With the release of the “Mazunte // mouth to the wind” EP in Spring of 2021, the Brother Jax solo project has truly come into its own and found its legs.


Following the release, the rest of 2021 has proved to be a whirlwind of gigging, writing, and traveling–weekly busking on the streets of Baltimore, a performing residency in the Catskills of New York, a series of private concerts in Mexico curated by Grammy award winner Rodrigo Sánchez. And all the while writing tunes.  


Brother Jax is now based in the Hudson Valley of New York, preparing to record a full-length album and beginning to plan for a busy Springtime of shows. Stay tuned and keep an ear out. 

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